The ASP.NET Web API controller

NOTE: This page is for Breeze running on .NET Core
Go here for .NET 4.x version

The ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building HTTP services. Its simplicity has made it instantly popular with .NET backend developers who are used to struggling with Microsoft’s enormously complex, SOAP-based, WCF communications stack.

In a nutshell, the Web API routes an HTTP request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc) to an action method of a controller. The controller developer has easy access to the complete client request but is usually most interested in the URL query parameters or the body of the request. There’s more to it of course but that’s the gist of it.

The Breeze Controller is just one of many ways to serve a Breeze client with either .NET or non-Net technologies. It is among the easiest and most capable server stacks available to .Net developers. You’ll see it driving many of the Breeze samples.

Breeze Web API route

ASP.NET Core has a rich set of rules that allow you to determine which method in a controller is called for any specific HTTP request. We recommend an ASP.NET Core mechanism know as Attribute Routing to accomplish this

Typical Breeze requests look like:

GET$filter=id eq 42

Notice that the last path segment (before the optional query string) is a word. The words “Cats”, “Dogs”, and “SaveChanges” map to like-named action methods on the PetsController. The first queries for all cats. The second queries for Dogs with id=42, and the third POSTs a change-set which could include any added, modified or deleted cats and dogs.

Notice that the controller name in all three examples is “Pets”. In general, a Breeze application has only one Web API controller, the *PetsController *in this example.

Controller code to support the URL’s above might look something like this:

  [BreezeQueryFilter]   // Described later
  public class PetsController : Controller {

    public IQueryable<Order> Dogs() {

    public IQueryable<Employee> Cats() {

    public SaveResult SaveChanges([FromBody] JObject saveBundle) {

One controller to rule them all …

When targeting a Breeze client, it is usually preferable to write a Web API controller per service.

The Breeze Getting Started tutorial creates a selection of endpoints grouped into a single ‘Controller’ on a single entity model. This is our recommended pattern for Breeze services. Note that if you have more than one entity model, we recommend a seperate controller for each.


You could adopt the customary controller-per-type implementation pattern: write one controller for Customer, another for Order, another for Product, etc.

But this is tedious and usually unnecessary. As we’ll see, Breeze can radically reduce the number of controller methods that you’ll need for each type … typically to one query method. Most Breeze clients combine the discrete entity insert, update, and delete operations into compound “change-sets” and send that change-set to a controller save method. The Breeze controller may only require a single save method to support an entire suite of entity types.

You can have multiple “save changes” methods to support “named saves”; here we’re describing the simple case.

If you followed the controller-per-type approach, you’d be writing numerous controllers, each with a single method … the query method. In our opinion, that’s a maintenance burden without a compensating benefit.

We recommend instead that you consolidate into one Web API controller per service. The notion of “service” typically is aligned with a “feature set” and corresponding business model.

A single BreezeController example

The “NorthwindCore” model only has a few entity types so its Web API controller is small, making it a good place for us to start. Here’s a BreezeController associated with the NorthwindCore model:

Add query methods to the BreezeController

Add a HttpGet method returning IQueryable<> for each of the Customer, Order, and Product types in the data model. We won’t do one for OrderItem because we will only query those with an Order

  [Route("breeze/[controller]/[action]")]   // Note that the `Route` attribute specifies the `[action]` as part of the path.
  public class NorthwindController : Controller

    // Add a new `persistenceManager` field to the `NorthwindController` class, and add a constructor that takes a NorthwindDbContext and sets the `persistenceManager` 
    // field.  This will be called by dependency injection.
    private NorthwindPersistenceManager persistenceManager;
    public NorthwindController(NorthwindDbContext dbContext) {
        persistenceManager = new NorthwindPersistenceManager(dbContext);

    public IQueryable<Customer> Customers() {
        return persistenceManager.Context.Customer;

    public IQueryable<Order> Orders() {
        return persistenceManager.Context.Order;

    public IQueryable<Product> Products() {
        return persistenceManager.Context.Product;

It’s just a Web API Controller

A “Breeze Controller” is just a Web API controller that has been extended to support a “happy path” for Breeze .NET developers.

Notice that there is no Breeze base class. The NorthwindController inherits directly from the Controller Web API base class. A Breeze Controller fits into the Web API pipeline like other controllers. It works with the same Web API security schemes as other controllers.


A Breeze Web API controller and an out-of-the-box Breeze client share a common understanding about the nature and format of HTTP requests, responses, and payloads. The BreezeQueryFilter configures the Web API pipeline to conform to that understanding when interpreting breeze queries.

Your Breeze Web API Controller may co-habitate with other, non-Breeze controllers that have different requirements. The BreezeQueryFilter attribute configuration applies to this controller only.

The BreezeQueryFilterAttribute converts Breeze client query URLs into LINQ expressions.

For example, a client could query for Customers with ‘City’ names starting with ‘C’, sorted by ‘Company Name’, with this Breeze query on the client.

  const query = new EntityQuery('Customers')
    .where('lastName', 'startsWith', 'C')
  const customers = await this.entityManager.executeQuery(query);

This in turn would be converted to the following URL formatted with an encoded json query string.


The Web API router finds a corresponding controller GET action method … which is the Customers method of our BreezeController:

    public IQueryable<Customer> Customers() {
    	return _contextProvider.Context.Customer;

The BreezeQueryFilterAttribute translates the URL Query parameters into a revision of the LINQ IQueryable returned by controller method, resulting in LINQ query expressions such as this one:

Customers.Where(c => c.StartsWith('C').OrderBy(c => c.CompanyName));

Then the Web API takes over, executes the query (invoking the query’s LINQ provider), and serializes the query results back to the client.

The BreezeControllerAttribute automatically applies a BreezeQueryFilterAttribute to every controller GET method that returns an IQueryable.

You don’t have to add the attribute to each controller method yourself … unless you want to do something special with that method.

Note that the ‘HttpGet’ method returns an IQueryable of an entity type in the model, the Customer type in this case.

The IQueryable<Customer> is important. It means that this action does not return data! Instead, it returns a LINQ query object that can be extended with additional query parameters to filter, order, page, project, and expand the query results.

The Web API executes the query after the BreezeQueryFilter applies these parameters to the LINQ expression (the IQueryable) returned by the method as we discussed above.

Thanks to the power and flexibility of the Breeze query syntax, a single controller action method can satisfy all of this particular application’s Customer query requirements. We don’t have to write a separate query action method for every application query request.

PersistenceManager and EFPersistenceManager

The PersistenceManager is a abstract Breeze class that encapsulates three main functions:

  1. Instantiation of a context for accessing the data store
  2. Generation (or acquisition) of metadata to send to Breeze clients
  3. Processing “change-set” save requests

The base Breeze PersistenceManager class is intended to be extended depending on the kind of backend services that you need to support.

Many .NET server developers turn to the Microsoft’s Entity Framework for relational data modeling and relational data access. It’s so popular that Breeze offers a special EFPersistenceManager class to facilitate development of .NET servers for Breeze clients.

The EFPersistenceManager, which derives from the Breeze PersistenceManager, wraps an Entity Framework DbContext to provide Breeze data management.

public class NorthwindPersistenceManager : EFPersistenceManager<NorthwindDbContext> {
  // Add a constructor to create it from our DbContext
  public NorthwindPersistenceManager(NorthwindDbContext dbContext) : base(dbContext) {}


Next, in our example, the NorthwindController defines a persistenceManager field, initialized to a fresh instance of EFPersistenceManager<T>.:

  private NorthwindPersistenceManager persistenceManager;
  public NorthwindController(NorthwindDbContext dbContext) {
    persistenceManager = new NorthwindPersistenceManager(dbContext);

Alternatives to Entity Framework

The EFPersistenceManager derives from the Breeze PersistenceManager which can be the base class for alternative providers that don’t involve Entity Framework … and / or possibly don’t store data in a relational database either.

Breeze also ships components for NHibernate developers. The source for any of these providers can guide you in writing your own provider.

But back to our story ..

Client-initiated “eager” queries

You do not have to publish a query method for every entity type. For example, you might choose not to publish an OrderDetails action; OrderDetail entities belong exclusively to their parent Orders. You might feel that a client should only access them through their parent orders.

How do you get the OrderDetails to the client if there is no controller action for them? Using “expand”. Here’s an example Breeze JS client query:

      .where('CustomerID', '==', alfredsID)
      .expand('OrderDetails') // <--- gets OrderDetails of "Alfreds" orders

On the server, the BreezeQueryFilterAttribute adds an Entity Framework “include” clause. The executed LINQ query returns the “Alfreds” order and that order’s line items in the same payload.

After eagerly fetching the related order line items with this query, the client can navigate from an order to its details (e.g, in Knockout you could write someOrder.OrderDetails()) without first loading those details in a separate step.

Specialized query methods

Suppose you don’t want to expose an “OrderDetails” controller method and you don’t want clients to send query requests with the “expand” clause. You can write a specialized controller query method that internally includes the OrderDetails in the payload automatically:

public IQueryable<Order> OrdersAndDetails() {
    return persistenceManager.Context.Orders.Include('OrderDetails');

This time the client queries for orders by targeting the “OrdersAndDetails” endpoint. The method ensures that the line items come along for the ride. The client developer can still filter and page the orders, but he doesn’t have to specify the expansion.

      .from('OrdersAndDetails')  // <--- Specify the "OrdersAndDetails" resource
      .where('CustomerID', '==', alfredsID)

This example is probably not a great case for a specialized query action. It’s easy to put the “expand” on the client query rather than clutter up the controller with extra actions. But the technique is worth knowing because someday you will have a query that should be or can only be written on the server.

The SaveChanges method

When the Breeze client calls saveChanges(), the EntityManager posts a bundle of JSON entity changes to the controller’s SaveChanges method.

The bundle could contain a mix of different types (Customer, Order, OrderDetail) and different operations (add, update, delete). They all travel together in the body of the POST.

The Web API delivers the bundle to the controller’s SaveChanges method as a JSON object (JObject). You could unpack that bundle yourself but it is far more convenient to let the persistenceManager.SaveChanges method handle that … and save those changes in EF as a single transaction:

public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle) {
  return persistenceManager.SaveChanges(saveBundle);

Server-side Validation

Are alarm bells ringing when you read this code? We shouldn’t blithely save everything the client tells us to save. We should inspect every request, making sure that the changes are valid and that the user is authorized to make them.

Learn how to do that with a custom EFPersistenceManager and save interception.

Configuring Serialization, Exceptions and Connection strings

Listed below is a code fragment from our Creating a Breeze Server example.

In this fragment in the ConfigureServices method, we need to

  1. Enable MVC, so our NorthwindController class can be used to handle requests
  2. Set JSON serialization options so the client-side Breeze can send and receive entities. All communications between Breeze clients and Web API controllers are formatted as JSON. A Web API formatter serializes .NET objects as JSON. Out-of-the box, the Web API installs a very simple default formatter that isn’t configured optimally for Breeze clients. Note that we explicitly reconfigure the formatter to remove the default behaviour that automatically renames entity and property names during serialization. Instead we will use the BreezeJS NamingConvention mechanism instead.
  3. Add an exception filter, so errors are communicated to the Breeze client
  4. Add the DbContext to dependency injection, so our NorthwindController can receive it

add some MVC options to let the Breeze client communicate with the server:

  namespace NorthwindServer {
    public class Startup     {
      private IConfiguration configuration;
      public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) {
          this.configuration = configuration;

      // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
      // For more information on how to configure your application, visit
      public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)  {
        var mvcBuilder = services.AddMvc();

        services.AddControllers().AddNewtonsoftJson(opt => {
            // Set Breeze defaults for entity serialization
            var ss = JsonSerializationFns.UpdateWithDefaults(opt.SerializerSettings);
            if (ss.ContractResolver is DefaultContractResolver resolver) {
                resolver.NamingStrategy = null;  // remove json camelCasing; names are converted on the client.
            ss.Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented; // format JSON for debugging

        // Add Breeze exception filter to send errors back to the client
        mvcBuilder.AddMvcOptions(o => { o.Filters.Add(new GlobalExceptionFilter()); });

        // Add DbContext using connection string ( for Dependency injection)
        var connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("NorthwindCore");
        services.AddDbContext<NorthwindCoreContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));


