Breeze.Server.NET Release Notes

.NET Core Release Notes

7.3.0 May 15, 2024

Release for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8

  • Make separate BreezeQueryFilter and BreezeAsyncQueryFilter with cancellationToken handling. For issue #195
  • Handle string or int enums via BreezeConfig.Instance.UseIntEnums flag - affects metadata generation and JSON serialization. For issue #196
  • Add params to JsonSerializationFns.UpdateWithDefaults to toggle camelCasing and useIntEnums
  • Add NoAnonSerializationBinder for optionally removing names from anonymous type serialization

7.2.2 April 30, 2024

Release for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8

  • Make QueryFilter inherit from ActionFilterAttribute so that OnActionExecutionAsyc method will be overridable. For issue #195

7.2.1 November 22, 2023

Release for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8

  • Fix bug in query handling for Enums. Now a where clause from the client can specify enums as strings or numbers, and the server will handle them correctly.

7.2.0 November 16, 2023

Release for .NET 5, 6, 7, and 8

  • Add support for .NET 8 and EFCore 8
  • Make BreezeQueryFilterAttribute implement IAsyncActionFilter and async query execution with CancellationToken - issue #189 and PR #191 - thanks @biegehydra
  • Make Enum properties use Int32 datatype (instead of string) in metadata generation.

7.1.0 April 26, 2023

Release for .NET 5, 6, and 7

  • Create multi-target Nuget package for .NET 5, 6, and 7
  • Fix “same key” error in MetadataBuilder when same ComplexType is used twice in an entity - issue #186

7.0.2 Jan 27, 2023

Release for .NET 7

  • Add support for DateOnly and TimeOnly data types
  • Add ApplyBreezeQuery and ApplyBreezeWhere extension methods to QueryFns. These apply filtering conditions from the client/url before aggregation or other transformations

6.0.4 Jan 27, 2023

Release for .NET 6

  • Add support for DateOnly and TimeOnly data types
  • Add ApplyBreezeQuery and ApplyBreezeWhere extension methods to QueryFns. These apply filtering conditions from the client/url before aggregation or other transformations

7.0.1 Jan 4, 2023

Release for .NET 7

6.0.2 Mar 30, 2022

Release for .NET 6

  • Fix issue with ‘in’ clause for non-String types #127

5.0.6 Mar 30, 2022

Release for .NET 5

  • Fix issue with ‘in’ clause for non-String types #127

6.0.1 Jan 12, 2022

Release for .NET 6

  • Update EntityFramework dependencies to version 6.0.1

5.0.5 May 3, 2021

Release for .NET 5

  • Add async support to PersistenceManager (#46)
  • Add Metadata support for foreign keys that relate to a property other than a PK
  • NH: Fix “Not an association” error on set of strings (#48)
  • Update EntityFramework dependencies to version 5.0.5
  • Update NHibernate dependencies to version 5.3.8

3.1.4 April 20, 2021

Release for .NET Core 3.1

  • Add DataAnnotationsValidator to Breeze.Persistence
  • Fix processing of queryable result when returning error
  • Fix duplicate properties in inheritance metadata (#100)
  • Add Custom property to DataProperty metadata, for sending custom metadata to client
  • Add Custom property to EntityError, for sending custom error data to client
  • Fix bug in overriding BreezeConfig (#70)
  • Update NHibernate version to 5.3.8
  • Add EnumTypes to metadata (#101)

5.0.4 April 19, 2021

Release for .NET 5

  • Add DataAnnotationsValidator to Breeze.Persistence
  • Fix processing of queryable result when returning error
  • Fix duplicate properties in inheritance metadata (#100)

5.0.3 March 30, 2021

Release for .NET 5

  • Add Custom property to DataProperty metadata, for sending custom metadata to client
  • Add Custom property to EntityError, for sending custom error data to client
  • Fix bug in overriding BreezeConfig (#70)
  • Add NHibernate support to .NET 5
  • Add EnumTypes to metadata (#101)

Please note that all further Breeze Server development will be on the .NET Core / .NET 5+ platform. .Net 4.x Breeze Server development has been frozen, except for essential bug fixes.

1.0.3 December 12, 2019

  • Initial release of .NET Core 3 libraries

1.0.1 December 12, 2018

  • Initial release of .NET Core 2 libraries

.NET 4.x Release Notes

Please update to 1.6.5 or later. All previous releases have a security vulnerability in JSON deserialization.

2.0.3 February 10, 2023

  • Release for .NET Framework 4.8

1.6.6 February 2, 2018

Breeze.Server.NET Fixed Bugs

  • EFContextProvider: Fixed bug causing Enum properties to have their EF OriginalValues set incorrectly.
  • EFContextProvider: Fixed bug causing EF OriginalValues to be set incorrectly for some properties when OriginalValues were null for other properties.
  • Removed unneeded dependency on WebActivatorEx.

1.6.5 June 1, 2017

Breeze.Server.NET Fixed Bugs

  • Security Issue in JSON deserialization. Changed TypeNameHandling to TypeNameHandling.None for JSON deserialization, to prevent a possible remote code execution vulnerability. Thanks to Alvaro Muñoz and Alexandr Mirosh from Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Security for pointing out this flaw. See their Black Hat Briefing regarding JSON vulnerabilities.

1.6.0 Dec. 1, 2016

Breeze.Server.NET Features

  • Server-side deletes sent to client as DeletedKeys property of SaveResult
  • Include .PDB files in NuGet packages (PR #38)
  • Updated NuGet dependencies

Breeze.Server.NET Fixed Bugs

  • Querystring parameters not re-encoded on $expand, $orderby, or $select (PR #44)

1.5.5 Feb. 2, 2016

Breeze.Server.NET Features

  • Allow arrays in originalValuesMap (Issue #2)
  • NHibernate: Changed NHExpander to expand IEnumerable (includes collections and sets) (Issue #28)
  • NHibernate: Change support to NH 4
  • Change to WebActivatorEx
  • Add XML comment information to Nuget packages

Breeze.Server.NET Fixed Bugs

  • NHibernate: Ordering of dependent entities during save
  • NHibernate: Error when using formula column (thanks lnu)
  • NHibernate: Transaction is rolled back twice, resulting in AdoTransaction error (thanks lnu)
  • Inline count executed twice
  • EFEntityError.ErrorName never set (thanks tschettler)
  • Error when SaveMap contains unknown EntityType

See the prior release notes for previous changes.