Breeze products and samples are arranged in a family of repositories on github.
An individual repository falls into one of three categories:
Within a category the repositories are specific to a technology such as JavaScript or .NET.
The Breeze TypeScript source code, including the main Breeze library and the adapters.
The Breeze JavaScript client source code and libraries are in the breeze.js repository. The “compiled” JavaScript libraries are in the /build directory.
breeze.debug.js - the standard client library that most of us reference. It contains support for the default third-party libraries including Knockout, Backbone, and jQuery ajax.
breeze.min.js - the minified breeze.debug.js.
breeze.intellisense.js - Visual Studio intellisense for breeze.debug.js.
breeze.base.debug.js - the base client library which excludes adapters for third-party adapters. For a smaller footprint you might download this base library and just the adapters you need, drawn from the ../src/ directory.
breeze.base.min.js - the minified breeze.base.debug.js.
A collection of small helper libraries for developing client apps. These libraries are not part of “Breeze core”.
“Breeze Sharp” is for C#, F#, and VB.NET developers of .NET clients. Most developers acquire the assemblies via nuget. You can build it yourself quite easily (there are few dependencies) if you need the latest committed bits.
The Breeze server repositories hold code that eases the development and maintenance of Breeze application clients.
Breeze clients do not require Breeze-aware servers. A Breeze client can talk to any HTTP server. You never have to touch the server.
However, if you are writing an application end-to-end, you may be more productive if you build your server with Breeze server-side components housed in one of the following repositories.
Components for servers built with such .NET technologies as Web API, Entity Framework, and NHibernate.
Components for node.js developers of who want server-side support for the Breeze client query URLs (OData query syntax) and batched change-set saves. Note especially the breeze-mongodb/breeze-mongodb.js library.
Components for Java developers of who want server-side support for the Breeze client query URLs (OData query syntax) and batched change-set saves.
The repository of Breeze JavaScript Samples that illustrate JavaScript client application development with Breeze.
A Breeze client application can work with a wide variety of server technologies, a point illustrated here by the repository folder structure that reflects each sample’s relationship to a specific type of server:
net - each Visual Studio solution demonstrates some combination of .NET server technologies such as ASP.NET Web API, WCF OData, Entity Framework, and NHibernate.
no-server - in these samples, the Breeze client application interacts with a server “as is”, a server that the developer cannot touch; accordingly there is “no server” code in the sample.
node - a node.js server, typically running express and MongoDb.
ruby - Ruby on Rails.
The repository of Breeze Sharp Samples that illustrate Breeze client applications written in C#, F# or VB.NET.
Eventually this repository will parallel the structure and content of the breeze.js.samples repo. Breeze Sharp clients talk to the same server APIs as Breeze JS clients … and in the same way. Bear with us as we port the client code to .NET … without touching the sample service code.