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Interface JsonResultsAdapterConfig

Configuration info to be passed to the JsonResultsAdapter constructor


  • JsonResultsAdapterConfig



Optional extractDeletedKeys

extractDeletedKeys: (data: {}) => any[]

A function that is called once per save operation to extract any deleted keys from any json received over the wire. Must return an array. This method has a default implementation which simply returns an empty array.

Type declaration

    • (data: {}): any[]
    • Parameters

      • data: {}

      Returns any[]

Optional extractKeyMappings

extractKeyMappings: (data: {}) => KeyMapping[]

A function that is called once per save operation to extract the key mappings from any json received over the wire. Must return an array. This method has a default implementation which simply returns the "keyMappings" property from any json returned as a result of executing the save.

Type declaration

Optional extractResults

extractResults: Function

A Function that is called once per query operation to extract the 'payload' from any json received over the wire. This method has a default implementation which to simply return the "results" property from any json returned as a result of executing the query.

Optional extractSaveResults

extractSaveResults: Function

A function that is called once per save operation to extract the entities from any json received over the wire. Must return an array. This method has a default implementation which simply returns the "entities" property from any json returned as a result of executing the save.


name: string

The name of this adapter. This name is used to uniquely identify and locate this instance when an 'exported' JsonResultsAdapter is later imported.

Optional visitNode

visitNode: (v: any, mc?: MappingContext, nodeContext?: NodeContext) => NodeMeta

A visitor method that will be called on each node of the returned payload.

Type declaration

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