Creates a regular expression validator with a fixed expression. Many of the stock validators are built with this factory method. Their expressions are often derived from You can try many of them at
Returns the message generated by the most recent execution of this Validator.
Run this validator against the specified value. This method will usually be called internally either automatically by an property change, entity attach, query or save operation, or manually as a result of a validateEntity call on the EntityAspect. The resulting ValidationResults are available via the EntityAspect.getValidationErrors method.
However, you can also call a validator directly either for testing purposes or some other reason if needed.
Value to validate
Any additional contextual information that the Validator can make use of.
A ValidationError if validation fails, null otherwise
Returns a standard boolean data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard byte data type Validator. (This is a integer between 0 and 255 inclusive for js purposes).
A new Validator
Returns a credit card number validator Performs a luhn algorithm checksum test for plausability catches simple mistakes; only service knows for sure
A new Validator
Returns a standard date data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a ISO 8601 duration string Validator.
A new Validator
Returns the email address validator
A new Validator
Creates a validator instance from a JSON object or an array of instances from an array of JSON objects.
JSON object that represents the serialized version of a validator.
Returns a Guid data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard 16 bit integer data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard 32 bit integer data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard large integer data type - 64 bit - Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard maximum string length Validator; the maximum length must be specified
A new Validator
Returns a standard numeric data type Validator.
A new Validator
Returns the phone validator Provides basic assertions on the format and will help to eliminate most nonsense input Matches: International dialing prefix: {{}, +, 0, 0000} (with or without a trailing break character, if not '+': [-/. ])
((+)|(0(\d+)?[-/.\s])) Country code: {{}, 1, ..., 999} (with or without a trailing break character: [-/. ]) [1-9]\d{,2}[-/.\s]? Area code: {(0), ..., (000000), 0, ..., 000000} (with or without a trailing break character: [-/. ]) (((\d{1,6})|\d{1,6})[-/.\s]?)? Local: {0, ...}+ (with or without a trailing break character: [-/. ]) (\d+[-/.\s]?)+\d+
A new Validator
Register a validator instance so that any deserialized metadata can reference it.
Validator to register.
Register a validator factory so that any deserialized metadata can reference it.
A function that optionally takes a context property and returns a Validator instance.
The name of the validator.
Returns a regular expression validator; the expression must be specified
A new Validator
Returns a standard 'required value' Validator
A new Validator
Returns a standard string dataType Validator.
A new Validator
Returns a standard string length Validator; both minimum and maximum lengths must be specified.
A new Validator
Returns the URL (protocol required) validator
A new Validator
Map of standard error message templates keyed by validator name. You can add to or modify this object to customize the template used for any validation error message.
Generated using TypeDoc
Validator constructor - This method is used to create create custom validations. Several basic "Validator" construction methods are also provided as static methods to this class. These methods provide a simpler syntax for creating basic validations.
Many of these stock validators are inspired by and implemented to conform to the validators defined at
Sometimes a custom validator will be required.
Most validators will be 'property' level validators, like this.
// v is this function is the value to be validated, in this case a "country" string. var valFn = function (v) { if (v == null) return true; return (core.stringStartsWith(v, "US")); }; var countryValidator = new Validator("countryIsUS", valFn, { displayName: "Country", messageTemplate: "'%displayName%' must start with 'US'" });
// Now plug it into Breeze. // Assume em1 is a preexisting EntityManager. var custType = metadataStore.getEntityType("Customer"); var countryProp = custType.getProperty("Country"); // Note that validator is added to a 'DataProperty' validators collection. prop.validators.push(countryValidator); Entity level validators are also possible
function isValidZipCode(value) { var re = /^\d{5}([-]\d{4})?$/; return (re.test(value)); }
// v in this case will be a Customer entity var valFn = function (v) { // This validator only validates US Zip Codes. if ( v.getProperty("Country") === "USA") { var postalCode = v.getProperty("PostalCode"); return isValidZipCode(postalCode); } return true; }; var zipCodeValidator = new Validator("zipCodeValidator", valFn, { messageTemplate: "For the US, this is not a valid PostalCode" });
// Now plug it into Breeze. // Assume em1 is a preexisting EntityManager. var custType = em1.metadataStore.getEntityType("Customer"); // Note that validator is added to an 'EntityType' validators collection. custType.validators.push(zipCodeValidator); What is commonly needed is a way of creating a parameterized function that will itself return a new Validator. This requires the use of a 'context' object.
// create a function that will take in a config object // and will return a validator var numericRangeValidator = function(context) { var valFn = function(v, ctx) { if (v == null) return true; if (typeof(v) !== "number") return false; if (ctx.min != null && v < ctx.min) return false; if (ctx.max != null && v > ctx.max) return false; return true; }; // The last parameter below is the 'context' object that will be passed into the 'ctx' parameter above // when this validator executes. Several other properties, such as displayName will get added to this object as well. return new Validator("numericRange", valFn, { messageTemplate: "'%displayName%' must be a number between the values of %min% and %max%", min: context.min, max: context.max }); }; // Assume that freightProperty is a DataEntityProperty that describes numeric values. // register the validator freightProperty.validators.push(numericRangeValidator({ min: 100, max: 500 }));
Breeze substitutes context values and functions for the tokens in the messageTemplate when preparing the runtime error message; 'displayName' is a pre-defined context function that is always available.
Please note that Breeze substitutes the empty string for falsey parameters. That usually works in your favor. Sometimes it doesn't as when the 'min' value is zero in which case the message text would have a hole where the 'min' value goes, saying: "... an integer between the values of and ...". That is not what you want.
To avoid this effect, you may can bake certain of the context values into the 'messageTemplate' itself as shown in this revision to the pertinent part of the previous example:
// ... as before // ... but bake the min/max values into the message template. var template = breeze.core.formatString( "'%displayName%' must be a number between the values of %1 and %2", context.min, context.max); return new Validator("numericRange", valFn, { messageTemplate: template, min: context.min, max: context.max });
The name of this validator.
A function to perform validation.
validatorFn(value, context)
Value to be validated
The same context object passed into the constructor with the following additional properties if not otherwise specified.
The value being validated.
The name of the validator being executed.
This will be either the value of the property's 'displayName' property or the value of its 'name' property or the string 'Value'
This will either be the value of Validator.messageTemplates[ {this validators name}] or null. Validator.messageTemplates is an object that is keyed by validator name and that can be added to in order to 'register' your own message for a given validator. The following property can also be specified for any validator to force a specific errorMessage string
If this property is set it will be used instead of the 'messageTemplate' property when an error message is generated.
A free form object whose properties will made available during the validation and error message creation process. This object will be passed into the Validator's validation function whenever 'validate' is called. See above for a description of additional properties that will be automatically added to this object if not otherwise specified.