Breeze queries using POST

This feature is for handling large object graphs as query parameters - object graphs so large that they won’t fit in a URL. It updates the Breeze AJAX adapter to allow HTTP POST for specially-constructed .withParameters queries.

It works by telling jQuery’s AJAX implementation, or AngularJS’s $http service, to use POST instead of GET.

This is an add-on to Breeze, and POST requires changes to the way your .withParameters queries are structured, so don’t use it unless you really need it.


Get breeze.ajaxpost.js from GitHub.

In your HTML file (e.g. index.html), add a script tag for breeze.ajaxpost.js after the breeze library:

  <script src="Scripts/breeze.debug.js"></script>
  <script src="Scripts/breeze.ajaxpost.js"></script>

The ajaxpost script immediately wraps the current Breeze ajax adapter and plugs itself into the breeze namespace.

That’s fine if you’re using breeze’s default ajax adapter. If you change the adapter … as you do for an AngularJS app by way of the breeze.angular module … you’ll have to wrap the replacement adapter by calling breeze.ajaxPost() explicitly after the change as in this example.

// app module definition
var app = angular.module('app', ['breeze.angular']);  // add other dependencies

// this data service abstraction definition function injects the 'breeze.angular' service
// which configures breeze for angularjs use including choosing $http as the ajax adapter
app.factory('datacontext', ['breeze', function (breeze) {    // probably inject other stuff too
    breeze.ajaxPost(); // wraps the now-current $http adapter
    //... your service logic


Server side method using GET (example using .NET Web API):

    public IQueryable<Customer> SimilarCustomersGET([FromUri]Customer customer)
        // repository exposes a method that does query-by-example
        return repository.CustomersLikeThis(customer);

Use the GET method from the Breeze client:

 var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from('SimilarCustomersGET')
            CompanyName: 'Hilo Hattie', ContactName: 'Donald', City: 'Duck', 
            Country: 'USA', Phone: '808-234-5678' 

Server side method using POST:

    public IQueryable<Customer> SimilarCustomersPOST(Customer customer)
        return repository.CustomersLikeThis(customer);

Use the POST method from the Breeze client:

 var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from('SimilarCustomersPOST')
            $method: 'POST',
            $encoding: 'JSON',
            $data: { CompanyName: 'Hilo Hattie', ContactName: 'Donald', City: 'Duck', 
                         Country: 'USA', Phone: '808-234-5678' } 

Special parameters:

  • $method: ‘POST’ or ‘GET’ (the default)
  • $encoding: ‘JSON’ or x-www-form-urlencoded (the default)
  • $data: contains the data to be sent to the server


Live POST queries

A StackOverflow question prompted us to produce this plunker example of an AngularJS app making POST queries to a cross-origin server. All app JavaScript is in the script.js file. Be sure to follow along with the which describes the mechanics in detail.


  • Gets data from a foreign server that knows nothing of breeze
  • breeze labs “ajaxpost” plugin to make POST queries to that server
  • Custom jsonResultsAdapter to help Breeze translate JSON into entities.
  • Client-side metadata

The sample only works with modern browsers (IE10+, FF, Chrome) .

ajaxpost in DocCode

The breeze ngDocCode sample has tests of ajaxPost for AngularJS apps in the query_with_post.spec.js file. Here’s one of the tests (written in mocha/chai):

it("by CompanyName", function (done) {

    var companyName = 'Die Wandernde Kuh';

            $method: 'POST',
            $encoding: 'JSON',
            $data: {
                CompanyName: companyName
        .then(done, done);

    function success(data){
        var cust = data.results[0];

These tests POST to a server method on the northwindController (an ASP.NET Web API Controller):

// For breeze labs "breeze.ajaxpost" tests
public HttpResponseMessage CustomersWithFilterOptions(JObject options) {
  // for debugging
  var queryParams = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs();

  // do the job
  return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK,

That method delegates to a method in the northwindRepository that parses the JSON request body:

public IQueryable<Customer> CustomersWithFilterOptions(JObject options)
  var query = ForCurrentUser(Context.Customers);
  if (options == null) { return query; }

  if (options["CompanyName"] != null)
    var companyName = (string) options["CompanyName"];
    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(companyName))
      query = query.Where(c => c.CompanyName == companyName);

  if (options["Ids"] != null)
    var ids = options["Ids"].Select(id => (Guid) id).ToList();
    if (ids.Count > 0)
      query = query.Where(c => ids.Contains(c.CustomerID));

  return query;