EntityQueryT Class Breeze.sharp
An EntityQuery instance is used to query entities either from a remote datasource or from a local EntityManager. EntityQueries are immutable - this means that all EntityQuery methods that return an EntityQuery actually create a new EntityQuery. Therefore EntityQueries can be 'modified' without affecting any current instances.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Breeze.Sharp
Assembly: Breeze.Sharp (in Breeze.Sharp.dll) Version: (

public class EntityQuery<T> : EntityQuery, 
	IOrderedQueryable<T>, IOrderedQueryable, IQueryable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IQueryable, 
	IEnumerable, IQueryProvider

Type Parameters


The EntityQueryT type exposes the following members.


Public methodEntityQueryT
Public methodEntityQueryT(String)
Contructor for a query against a specific resource.
Protected methodEntityQueryT(EntityQueryT)
May be called by subclasses that need to add additional behavior to a query. The basic idea is to use this method to clone the query first and then add or modify properties on the cloned instance.
Public methodEntityQueryT(Expression, IQueryable)
Initializes a new instance of the EntityQueryT class

Protected methodCheckEm (Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public methodClone
For internal use only.
(Overrides EntityQueryClone.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExecute(EntityManager)
Executes this query, against an optionally specified EntityManager. If no EntityManager is specified then the query is run on the EntityManager specified by the EntityManager property on this instance. ( WithTQuery(TQuery, EntityManager) ) If this value is null an exception will be thrown.
Public methodExecute(CancellationToken, EntityManager)
Executes this query, against an optionally specified EntityManager. If no EntityManager is specified then the query is run on the EntityManager specified by the EntityManager property on this instance. ( WithTQuery(TQuery, EntityManager) ) If this value is null an exception will be thrown.
Public methodExecuteLocally
Executes this query against the EntityManager's local cache, with an optionally specfied EntityManager. If no EntityManager is specified then the query is run on the EntityManager specified by the EntityManager property on this instance. ( WithTQuery(TQuery, EntityManager) ) If this value is null an exception will be thrown.
Public methodExpand(String)
Returns a new query that will return related entities nested within its results. The Expand method allows you to identify related entities, via navigation property names such that a graph of entities may be retrieved with a single request. Any filtering occurs before the results are 'expanded'.
Public methodExpandTTarget(ExpressionFuncT, TTarget)
Returns a new query that will return related entities nested within its results. The Expand method allows you to identify related entities, via navigation property names such that a graph of entities may be retrieved with a single request. Any filtering occurs before the results are 'expanded'.
Protected methodExpandNonGeneric (Overrides EntityQueryExpandNonGeneric(String).)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFrom
Returns a new query with the specified resource name.
Public methodGetEnumerator
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetResourcePath
For internal use.
(Overrides EntityQueryGetResourcePath(MetadataStore).)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodInlineCount
Returns a query with the 'inlineCount' capability either enabled or disabled. With 'InlineCount' enabled, an additional 'InlineCount' property will be returned with the query results that will contain the number of entities that would have been returned by this query with only the 'where'/'filter' clauses applied, i.e. without any 'skip'/'take' operators applied. For local queries this clause is ignored.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodUpdateFrom (Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public methodWithParameter
Returns a new query that includes a specified parameter to pass to the server.
Public methodWithParameters
Returns a new query that includes a collection of parameters to pass to the server.
Extension Methods

Public Extension MethodAllEqualTOverloaded.
Returns true if all items in a cached collection are equal.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodAllEqualT, U(FuncT, U)Overloaded.
Returns true if all items in a cached collection have the same projected value.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodDistinctT, TResult
Returns distinct elements from a sequence by using a specified selector function to project objects to compare.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodExceptT, TResult
Produces the set difference of two sequences by using a specified selector function to compare values.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodForEachT(ActionT)Overloaded.
Enumerate a cached collection performing the specified action on each item.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodForEachT(ActionT, Int32)Overloaded.
Enumerate an indexed collection in cache performing the specified action on each item.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodGetAggregateHashCode
Returns a hashcode for a collection that uses a similar algorithm to that used by the .NET Tuple class. Order matters.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodIndexOfT
Returns the index of the first item in the sequence matching a condition, or -1 if no match found.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodIntersectT, TResult
Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using a specified selector function to project objects to compare.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodOrderByTSource, TKey
Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodOrderByDescendingTSource, TKey
Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSelectTSource, TResult
Projects each element of a sequence into a new form.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodSkipTSource
Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence and then returns the remaining elements.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodTakeTSource
Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodThenByTSource, TKey (Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodThenByDescendingTSource, TKey (Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodToAggregateString
Concatenates the string version of each element in a collection using the delimiter provided.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodToHashSetT (Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodUnionT, TResult
Produces the set union of two sequences by using a specified selector function to project objects to compare.
(Defined by EnumerableFns.)
Public Extension MethodWhereTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Int32, Boolean)Overloaded.
Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodWhereTSource(ExpressionFuncTSource, Boolean)Overloaded.
Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
(Defined by EntityQueryExtensions.)

Public propertyDataService
The DataService associated with this query.
(Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Protected propertyDataServiceQuery
For internal use.
Public propertyElementType
The element type of the IEnumerable{T} returned by this query.
(Overrides EntityQueryElementType.)
Public propertyEntityManager
The EntityManager associated with this query.
(Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public propertyExpression (Overrides EntityQueryExpression.)
Public propertyJsonResultsAdapter (Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public propertyProvider
Public propertyQueryableType
The type being queried. This may not be the same as the type returned in the case of a 'Select'.
(Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public propertyQueryOptions
The QueryOptions associated with this query.
(Inherited from EntityQuery.)
Public propertyResourceName
The resource name specified for this query.
(Inherited from EntityQuery.)
See Also
